7 Free DIY Apron Sewing Patterns - Kids, Men, Vintage

7 Free DIY Apron Sewing Patterns - Kids, Men, Vintage:
There is a free apron pattern here for just about everyone.
They make the perfect gift and are a great way to use up that extra fabric you have lying around the house.
You can even make an apron from your old t-shirts!
How to Make Aprons From Shirts Via eHow 

Adjustable Kitchen Apron Via PurlSoho 

Kids No Sew Apron Via BrassyApple

Men's Apron From Tote Via BetzWhite

Vintage Tablecloth Apron Via MySoCalledCraftyLife

No seams exposed Apron Via StitchesInPlay

Linen Cross Back Apron Via PurlSoho